Faglig møte 12. desember i YPF – Yngre Psykiateres Forum
Varetekt, rus og psykose
We are pleased to invite you to the eighth professional meeting under the auspices of the «Young Psychiatrists Forum» (YPF), our commitment to an arena for the professional community.
Time: Thursday 12 December at 18:00.
Location: Grand Hotel in Oslo; meeting room «Gerhardsen».
The program and meeting format for YPF has been created in collaboration with a committee of younger psychiatrists in Oslo and Akershus. The meetings are popular – sign up in good time!
- 18:00 Velkommen ved Marthe Fjelldal, MSL Lundbeck og Lars-Christian Berentzen, overlege, spesialist i psykiatri, Klinikk Psykisk helse og avhengighet, OUS.
- 18:05 «Praktisk gjennomføring av behandling for pasienter underlagt varetektssurrogat og dom til behandling», ved Elena Soroka, spesialrådgiver og overlege i psykiatri, avdeling spesialpsykiatri, Ahus.
- 19:00 Pause
- 19:10 ”Rusutløst psykose og ROP”, ved Gunn-Vivian Eide, ROP-overlege ved Avdeling for rusmedisin; og spesialist i psykiatri og rus- og avhengighetsmedisin, Haukeland universitetssjukehus.
- 20:15 Middag
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Practical information:
This event is organized in accordance with agreements on cooperation that the Norwegian Medical Association has entered into with the Norwegian Medical Association, the Norwegian Pharmaceutical Association, the Norwegian Nurses’ Association and the regional health authorities. For you as a healthcare professional, this means that both you and the organizer have rights and obligations to ensure that the event is of good professional quality and that it is not likely to create perceptions of unfavorable ties between industry and healthcare professionals.
Employees in healthcare organizations must obtain permission from the employer to attend the meeting. The health institution must cover travel and any accommodation costs in connection with the meeting. Meals that appear in the program are covered by Lundbeck.
Privacy statement:
H. Lundbeck AS handles your personal data in accordance with The EU’s privacy regulation which came into force on 25 May 2018. The information is only used to administer this meeting/this activity. https://www.lundbeck.com/no
Otsuka Pharma Scandinavia AB handles any personal data in accordance with the GDPR. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy at www.otsuka-europe.com/se/HCPPrivacyNotice